Women have little to say in this world; the opera fails the Bechdel test. That makes the presence of Susanna Mälkki on the podium doubly fortuitous. Her command is formidable, her clarity gives the evening form and momentum."

Financial Times

Shirley Apthorp

“It must be said that having Susanna Mälkki at the helm of the Orchester de l’Opéra National de Paris was the guarantee of a precise and sovereign interpretation, elevating all the timbral possibilities of a full orchestra.”

{Il faut dire qu’avoir Susanna Mälkki à la tête de l’Orchestre de l’opéra national de Paris était la garantie d’une interprétation précise et souveraine, exaltant toutes les possibilités timbrales d’un orchestre au grand complet.}

Alexandre Jamar – ForumOpera.com

“… it was wonderfully played by the orchestra of the Opéra, with Mälkki displaying masterful precision in the face of overwhelming complexity.”

Stephen J. Mudge – Opera News